Health tips

Health is a blessing without which every blessing is lost. We all know that in this world, money, gold, silver, diamonds, pearls, many precious things have been created by Allah Almighty in this world. Every human being wants all of them forever. They live in the tune of having these things as much as possible and living a happy life, but when a person gets sick, even these delicious things become tasteless. Man gets his health by giving all these things. This health is necessary for every human being and in order to stay healthy, good diet, daily exercise is very important, so we should eat green vegetables to stay healthy, we should exercise daily, this is the greatest thing for human beings in this world. Health is not money, money, gold, silver, etc. If health deteriorates, then all these things become useless. If there is health, then all these things will work. If you want all these things to work, then take care of your health. And exercise. Exercising keeps us healthy and we live happily. It's a gift from you. Follow it. Then you can. Sheh will stay healthy and fit and you can read other articles tomorrow